Study MBBS in Uzbekistan
DURATION : 5 +1 Year
.Uzbekistan is a Central Asian nation and former Soviet republic. It’s known for its mosques, mausoleums and other sites linked to the Silk Road, the ancient trade route between China and the Mediterranean. Samarkand, a major city on the route, contains a landmark of Islamic architecture: the Registan, a plaza bordered by 3 ornate, mosaic-covered religious schools dating to the 15th and 17th centuries.
Population: 36,024,000
Official Language: Uzbek
Religion: Islam
Currency: Uzbek Soum (UZS)
Largest City: Tashkent, Samarkand, Andijan, Nukuus, Bukhara, Fergana
Area: 448,978 km2
Inter Ethnic Language: Russian
Literacy Rate: 99.9%
Time Zone: UTC +5 (UZT)
Top Medical Universities in Uzbekistan
Tashkent Medical Academy, Tashkent (Main Branch)
Tashkent Medical Academy was founded on the basis of abolished 1st and 2nd Tashkent State Medical Institutes through the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Tashkent State Dental Institute, Tashkent
The institute was founded in 2014 and situated in Tashkent city of Uzbekistan. The Institute has 1662 students, 50 of whom are graduate students and 164 are clinical residents.
Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Tashkent
Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute was originally established in 1972 as the Central Asian Pediatric Medical Institute. The main objective of the institute was to train highly qualified doctors and pediatricians due to the absence of pediatricians in the region and a high infant mortality rate
Bukhara State Medical Institute
Bukhara State Medical Institute was the public higher medical institution founded on August 24, 1990, and located in the small city of Bukhara, Uzbekistan.
Andijan State Medical Institute
Andijan State Medical Institute was founded in 1955 in one of the ancient cities of Fergana valley. At present, the Institute is one of the leading institutes in the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Fergana Medical Institute
Fergana Medical Institute of Public Health, Uzbekistan was established in the year 1991 at the Fergana State University as a medical centre. Fergana Medical Institute of Public Health, provides many opportunities, for the students to
grow as medical professionals while studying MBBS in Uzbekistan
Samarkand State Medical University
Samarkand State Medical University was founded according to the decision of the republic government 90 years ago, in 1930. The University has passed a long path of development as one of the leading medical higher educational institutions not only in Uzbekistan, but also in the whole Central Asian region.